New version of Slackel available
Slackel 4.0 "Openbox" was released.
From the release announcement:
"Slackel 4.0 Openbox has been released. Slackel is based on Slackware Linux and Salix OS. Includes the Linux kernel 3.10.9 and lots of updates from Slackware's 'Current' tree. Slackel 4.0 Openbox includes the Midori 0.5.0 web browser, Claws-Mail 3.9.2, Transmission, SpaceFM, OpenJRE 7u40, Rhino, IcedTea-Web, Pidgin 2.10.7, gFTP 2.0.19, wicd. AbiWord 2.8.6, Gnumeric 1.12.2 and ePDFViewer office applications are included. Whaaw! Media Player is the default movie player, Exaile 3.3.0 is the application to use for managing your music collection, Asunder CD ripper, Bracero for writing CD/DVDs and more. In the graphics section Viewnior 1.3, GIMP 2.8.6 and Scrot the snapshot utility."